What Is N95 Mask & How We Can Use It to Prevent COVID-19 Infection?
N-95 masks – one of the most in-demand masks right now. N-95 masks are nothing but masks with a 95% resistance to any non-oil based small particles and micro-particles.
Respiratory viruses, like the Coronavirus, mainly target the upper and lower respiratory tracts. The only way of preventing human infection is to protect the airway - to stop any airborne/particulate matter generated by droplets/aerosols from reaching these tracts.
When this airway is blocked, it prevents contamination of mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, keeping them safe from infective droplets or contact with a contaminated hand, etc. Therefore, it is vital to undertake precautions. Using masks is crucial while dealing with a suspect or confirmed case of COVID-19 and performing aerosol generating procedures.
Surgical masks are not as effective as N-95 masks when it comes to healthcare workers. These are the people on the frontlines in close proximity to confirmed or suspected patients of COVID-19. Surgical masks provide coverage of the mouth and the nose. When worn properly, they effectively block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays, or splatter that may contain viruses and bacteria. They are easily disposable, making them the best choice for daily use in the current situation where everyone needs to keep themselves and others safe.
But when it comes to doctors, nurses and lab personnel who deal with positive/suspected cases, work in close quarters, are personally involved in aerosol generation and other testing procedures - a surgical mask isn’t the best option because it simply is loose. It is not equipped to block small or micro-particles that get transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. According to the US federal agency, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a surgical mask doesn’t provide efficient coverage due to the loose fit between the surface of the face and the surface of the mask.
What makes Insights’ N-95 mask better in contrast to generic surgical masks is
● their brilliant fit, combined with a filter that blocks 95% of .3+ micron-particles. It is NIOSH approved for its 95% efficiency.
● Our masks come with a two-strap design and welded dual point attachment that helps provide a secure seal.
● A cushioning nose foam makes it comfortable to wear - reducing any chances of possible irritation (that may lead to contact with the face).
● One of the things that makes N-95 masks accessible is its adjustable nose-clip that helps provide a custom fit and secure seal. So you can stay assured that your face and nose are protected.
● It is lightweight, constructed with an electrostatic non-woven polypropylene fiber as the filter. It is easy to wear and has seen a greater worker acceptance that may help increase wear time.
● Advanced electrostatic media is designed for ease of breathing.
We have employed the highest standards of selection while acquiring these masks to supply. We supply all-over the country and look forward to providing you with the best protection equipment. Details of other healthcare services can be found above.
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